This blog has been created by Kaiqiang Liu Qin as an integrated project for the 1st year. Degree taught at the Polytechnic School of the "Universidad Europea de Madrid". Academic Year 2013-2014.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Mathematics in real life.

Now, I'm going to talk about mathematics in real life. Nowadays, a big number of students think that maths will not appeared in their futures, that maths won't be a problem because of the advances in technology, or the uses of calculators, but they're wrong. Maths is in every step we take, because every day we should resolve many numeral problems in each situation.

We can use Maths in situations such us:

When we are doing the shopping, when they look for the lowest price, or calculating the discount that are marked; In the kitchen, when we make a recipe, changing the units of measurement; With the money, when you calculate the amount of money that the other have to give you, or to count the coins that you need to buy a product; In trips, to calculate the estimated time of arrival...

This are many situations in life that required the use of the mathematics, so I think that we have to learn it for the best in our future, as you can see, every single day we use it!

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